How To Rap Fast – Tips And Techniques

Don't Struggle! Download A PDF Of This Post And The Audio From The Video

I created this post to help you grow confidence in your ability to rap fast. Not to force your creativity and your learning curve. In order for you to master the skills of rapping fast you can download a PDF of this post, the MP3 of the audio from the how to rap fast video , and Free beat to help you practice too. Click here if you want to get these free downloads.


fast rapping techniques

When you’re first attempting to rap fast, perhaps you think that rapping is overly difficult and something only professionals can do.

The interesting truth is, you are capable of learning how to rap fast and do it like a pro.

Experts say that it is easy to rap fast once you know and understand the fundamentals. It would be a lot better to learn how to do it once you know some effective techniques in rapping fast.

So, do you want to know how to rap fast? Here’s a list of straight-to-the-point techniques you can learn and follow:



As they say, practice makes perfect. It really is true when it comes to learning how to rap fast. If you find it hard to say the lyrics fast. Try to break them into small sections and practice saying them repetitively. Doing this technique allows you to memorize the lyrics and not just rely on your speed or how fast you read. This can also improve your mouth’s muscle memory.


2. Do The Lip Drills

Do a warm-up for your mouth called lip trills or bubbles. This kind of technique can loosen up your vocals and mouth. In order to do this, you just have to relax your lips together and avoid pressing them down.

Just relax them together and blow air out. Doing this will allow your lips to vibrate and begin making a "br br br" sound, which resembles a Bubbling sound. This can also warm your vocal cords up.

On the other hand, if you are not comfortable with this technique, other rap experts say that you can do beatbox instead as you're warm up.

fast rapping wordplay


The Strength Of Your Tongue Matters

The stronger your tongue is, the faster you can rap. For you to do this, you just have to talk a lot. It is best to talk to everyone you know and rap songs. In other words, do anything that requires your tongue to move.

Don't Struggle! Download A PDF Of This Post And The Audio From The Video

I created this post to help you grow confidence in your ability to rap fast. Not to force your creativity and your learning curve. In order for you to master the skills of rapping fast you can download a PDF of this post, the MP3 of the audio from the how to rap fast video , and Free beat to help you practice too. Click here if you want to get these free downloads.


The Importance Of A Good Flow

If you want to learn how to rap fast, remember that speed is not the only thing that matters.

There are people who can rap fast, but if there's no good flow of lyrics, it is not good at all. 

You need to learn how to get a good flow to connect the lyrics. Words connecting perfectly is the ideal thing in rapping.

learning how to rap fast


Learn To Get A Good Flow

Most languages consist of two sounds - vowels and consonants. When you pronounce vowels, the air blows through your mouth without any interruptions.

However, there are only 5 vowels in the alphabet and they are A, E, I, O, U. And sometimes Y because this particular letter can sound like other vowels based on how it is used.

For instance, when you pronounce the word sky, the Y sounds like I.

Now when you pronounce consonants, the air is interrupted by your teeth, tongue, or lips, specifically by their position.

Twenty-one of the letters in the alphabet are consonants.


Main Pointers About Rapping Fast

Now, there is two main type of syllables and words. And they are the stressed and unstressed words and syllables. When you say stressed, you need to put more emphasis on those words or syllables by uttering them louder and sustaining them longer. 

There are words that are pronounced the same way, but they have different meanings depending on their stressed syllables.


If you are rapping, you need to study the variety of vowels and consonants to balance out and not overload your mouth with the same sound being too close. You also need to give emphasis to the stressed words and syllables.


In other words, the importance of understanding the words and syllables as well as the stressed and unstressed words or syllables is that it will help you strategically put lyrics together that are easier for you to say.

Your listeners need to understand you clearly. This technique is simple yet very important.


Remember that you cannot expect overnight success when it comes to learning how to rap fast. However, if you are determined and willing to reach your goal, nothing is impossible.

You also need to keep in mind that everyone has a different learning style.

Final points other resources

A particular technique may work on you but not on other people and vice versa. You just have to figure out which style or rapping technique suits you best.


Some additional reading: Learn how to freestyle rap like a pro where I discussed with freestyle rapping expert Pat Para on the mixtape marketing episode 15.

I also spoke with hip hop ghost writer Jesse Kramer on Mixtape Marketing Podcast Episode 13 where he discussed writing hip hop lyrics, how to rap fast and how to practice rapping those lyrics.

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About the author 

Daniel Hartnett The Corporatethief Beats

Hi I am Daniel Hartnett the producer behind this blog. If you have any questions about my site or the content found on my blog please feel free to hit that contact button at the top of my site.

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